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As violent winds and heavy rains buffeted over the past week Puget Sound, six and a half million pink salmon made their ways to rivers full to overflowing with freshet water.  After a very dry summer it appears at least some populations of pinks, otherwise called humpies will have enough water to spawn in.  Indeed it has been a spectacular beach angling season for humpies.  But they will only be available to we salt water fly anglers a few weeks longer.
On the other hand large numbers of coho salmon, often called silvers, have been holding off the coast and in the Straights of San Juan de Fuca.  Fish and Wildlife forecasters expect large returns.  Silvers are truly the premier salt water fly angling beach fishery that we fly anglers look forward every year.  Expect these fish to show in large numbers at local fishing venues well into October.
Fly angling for silvers off local beaches is not a complex issue; simply cast and retrieve either wet of salt water dry flies. Yes, you read right.  Silvers are also suckers for certain types of dry flies.  But whether wet or dry, fishing for silvers takes some fundamental equipment, all of which is otherwise available at Peninsula Outfitters.  This equipment includes a medium/fast action modern graphite fly rod that is nine to ten-feet long for a six to eight-weight fly line, a salt water resistant fly reel with adequate backing, a weight forward floating fly line and/or slow sinking “I” line to balance the rod, a nine-foot eight to twelve-pound leader, waders to keep dry in, and flies.  A number of the most effective flies have been designed by us specifically for this fishery and are only available at Peninsula Outfitters.
As for where to go, just about any public beach, given that some beaches are far better for silvers than others. Favorites include Point Wilson Located on Fort Worden at Port Townsend, Marrowstone Point located at Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island, and Point no Point on the tip of Kitsap Peninsula.  These beaches fish well on an incoming tide. But tidal conditions vary with a myriad of other locations. We discuss many excellent beaches and how and when to fish them in beach fishing seminars held here at Peninsula Outfitters.  Stop in the shop of visit our web site for dates and times.