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WDFW is currently accepting comments on which Puget Rivers to select as “wild steelhead gene banks.” This process is an unprecedented opportunity to eliminate a threat to wild steelhead in rivers across Puget Sound and work toward a multi-faceted recovery process that benefits wild fish, local communities and passionate anglers. We have never before had an opportunity like this in Puget Sound to use public input and the best available science to transform rivers into wild steelhead gene banks where the harm of hatchery steelhead will be forever eliminated. Now more than ever before, we need to take action.
While the creation of at least three wild steelhead gene banks is required under Washington’s State Steelhead Management Plan, WDFW has significant latitude over how many rivers and which rivers they designate as gene banks. With hatchery proponents working furiously to limit these designations to three smaller tributaries, it is critical that wild steelhead advocates make their voices heard and establish river basins that have diversity, abundance and will provide refuge through a changing climate. Getting these Wild Steelhead gene Banks done right is a very high priority for TU and steelhead conservation in Washington.
This Tuesday evening in Sequim, WDFW will be hosting a meeting for citizens to express their opinions publicly on the designation of Wild Steelhead Gene Banks. Please attend this meeting and make your voice heard.
- Public Comment Meeting – Tuesday, July 28 from 6:00 – 9:00 PM in Sequim at Trinity Methodist Church (100 S Blake Ave)