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Salmon are returning! Coho and Kings are the first to return. Action has been really good off our local beaches. Look for points that you have access to in order to intercept these larger returning fish. Pink/White or Chartreuse/White Clouser style flies have been the ticket in size 2 or 4. We have some really cool variations in the shop right now. Chum will begin to show up mid to late October.
Coastal Cutthroat fishing also remains strong. There is a reason they are also called “Harvest Trout”. This refers fall as the best time to find larger fish. Smaller baitfish patterns or my PO Prawn are the ticket. As always, be gentle with these “treasures of the North West”!
Fall is my favorite time to hit our local streams and Rivers. Flows subside, allowing favorable wading conditions. Choices seem endless. Head to the open streams in the Olympic Mountains for lots of dry fly action on light rods, drive across the Cascades and fish the scenic Yakima or float the Coastal rivers for Salmon, Steelhead or Jumbo Coastal Cutthroat on big dry flies. I love this time of year!!!
Cooler temps mean that fish will once again be more active. Check out the evening bite for some fantastic dry fly action.